Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My dreams they are odd.

The night before last I had a dream that my dad, my fiancé and my brother all went out to get breast implants. My mom and I had gone shopping and were meeting up with them. As we strolled through the mall my mom turned to me and said " know...those men and their breast implants".


Dustin said...

odd is an understatement. But, hey, they're just dreams... right?

Dave said...

Mmmmm...This is indeed a strange dream. I wonder what Dr. Freud would make of it. Good luck with that, Sigmund!

Megan said...

OMG - cracking up over here. My Mom just left today and I'm a mess...I needed the laugh...thank you! xoxo

Anonymous said...

This says everything about you. So perfect.